- There’s No Place Like Home
Byrdmansteve.com is a forum where we welcome any and all that is truly American! We consider any views left of right to be a degree of what is wrong with this great country. We are on a rescue mission to save America from the perpetrators of the left and all the apathy and ignorance of those who choose political sides as they would a football team.
We believe here that the human race has always been comprised of a biological tendency to think using either an emotional process or a process of logic. Freedom and liberty, as our founding fathers so ingeniously designed, are the necessity over all other and can only be accomplished or maintained when logic triumphs over emotion.
We also believe one of Gods greatest creations is the soulful love-song-rocker, and master of logic, Ted Nugent! This site is a tribute to our ToneGod Ted Nugent. He is a musical legend and example of true patriotism.
I, The Byrdman, was born February 5th, 1966. I am a father of two, husband to one, conservative minded, guitar playing, rock-n-roll loving, Ted Nugent Aficionado, swimming pool contractor, and writer of sorts.
We welcome new ByrdBrothers!